Invertebrate Notes July 2024

A selection of notable records reported to Tanyptera. Includes older, but newly recognized regional vice county records (dates blue). ‘The region’ = VC58, 59, 60 + Cheshire, Lancashire, Merseyside, Greater Manchester.

All photos copyright of the recorder unless otherwise stated.

Coleoptera (Beetles)

Bromius obscurus (Chrysomelidae), Teggs Nose, VC58, 31/07/2024, J. Flanagan & R. Atherton

  • Restricted distribution in the UK but more recently found in more sites in Cheshire, North Lincolnshire and Staffordshire
  • New Cheshire site 






Diptera (Flies)

Hoplolabis vicina (Limoniidae), Rivacre Valley Country Park, VC58, 03/07/2024, P. Brighton

  • A small yellowish cranefly
  • Most of the Cheshire records come from the 2007 Buglife Survey of the rivers Bollin and Dane, this is a new location for the species

Tricogena rubricosa (Rhinophoridae), Rivacre Valley Country Park, VC58, 03/07/2024, P. Brighton

  • The only other Cheshire records are from Crown Quarry
Mallota cimbiciformis, (Syrphidae), Brockholes, VC59, 07/07/2024, T.J. Southward
  • Nationally Scarce hoverfly with records spread thinly across the country
  • There are just a few records elsewhere in the region
  • The larvae live in deep, water-filled rot holes in over-mature trees, such as Beech and Sycamore








Chrysotoxum verralli (Syrphidae), Ravenmeols Sefton Coast, VC59, 06/07/2024, P. Smith

  • Most records are from South-East England, often regarded as scarce except in a few parts of its range.
  • Sefton Coast is its northern limit, where there are only 3 other records







Hemiptera (Bugs)

Charagochilus gyllenhalii (Miridae), Moore Nature Reserve, VC59, 25/07/24, C. Washington, 

  • Widely distributed in Britain but only one other record for VC59 (Alderley Edge in 2015)

Pinalitus rubricatus (Miridae), Docker Moor, VC60, 12/07/2024, K. Fowler

  • New to Lancashire

Phoenicocoris obscurellus (Miridae), Docker Moor, VC60, 12/07/2024, K. Fowler

  • Beaten from Scot’s Pine
  • New to VC60

Jassargus pseudocellaris (Cicadellidae), Docker Moor, VC60, 12/07/2024, K. Fowler

  • First records in VC60
  • May be under recorded due to being difficult to identify

Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, Ants & Sawflies)

Coelioxys conoidea (Megachilidae), Crosby Coastal Park & Hightown Dunes Sefton Coast, VC59, 18/07/2024, P. Smith

  • Primarily associated with sandy habitats
  • Recent arrival in the North West (2019)
  • Scattered records in England and Wales, extending north to Yorkshire
  • The host is Megachile maritima







Nysson trimaculatus (Crabonidae), Birkdale Green Beach, Sefton Coast, VC59, 24/07/2024, P. Smith

  • Recorded widely in the southern England, from Cornwall to Kent and north to Warwickshire and Yorkshire
  • Sefton Coast is its northern limit in the West
  • Listed as Nationally Scarce
  • Scarcer than its hosts 








Phylloecus linearis (Cephidae), Ravenmeols, Sefton Coast, VC59,17/07/2024, P. Smith

  • Distributed north to Yorkshire although scarce in the North-West 







iRecord records summary July 2024

GroupNo. of recordsNo. of species
insect - true fly (Diptera)2028376
insect - beetle (Coleoptera)917116
insect - dragonfly (Odonata)91023
insect - hymenopteran688145
insect - true bug (Hemiptera)682104
spider (Araneae)12445
insect - orthopteran11512
insect - caddis fly (Trichoptera)3911

iRecord top 10 species July 2024

Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyOrderNumber of Records
Rhagonycha fulvaCommon Red Soldier BeetleColeopteraCantharidae245
Sympetrum striolatumCommon DarterOdonataLibellulidae157
Eristalis pertinaxDipteraSyrphidae136
Harmonia axyridisHarlequin LadybirdColeopteraCoccinellidae134
Apis melliferaWestern Honey BeeHymenopteraApidae131
Ischnura elegansBlue-tailed DamselflyOdonataCoenagrionidae108
Aeshna grandisBrown HawkerOdonataAeshnidae95
Helophilus pendulusDipteraSyrphidae93
Aeshna cyaneaSouthern HawkerOdonataAeshnidae82
Anax imperatorEmperor DragonflyOdonataAeshnidae72