The State of Access to NW Invertebrate Data via NBN Atlas

Page updated on 9th August 2022

The National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Atlas provides a platform for the UK biological data to be shared. It is run by NBN Trust, a charity with the aim of improving the availability of high resolution and high quality data to provide the evidence base for all environmental decision-making in the UK. Learn more

For invertebrate recorders, NBN Atlas can provide important context about a species record: is it rare? Is it new to the area / county? Does this record represent a distributional expansion? However, it’s sometimes unclear how comprehensive or up to date the picture of records you’re seeing is.

The idea behind this page is to highlight to recorders what key datasets are missing / far out of date and what level of detail can be seen or downloaded. This can help indicate what further research may be needed (e.g. contacting a LERC or Scheme for data). County Recorders, local atlases, checklists and museum collections are other important sources to check. Many new and historical NW checklists are downloadable from the resources pages, including signposting of online local atlases. Go to resources.

Local Environmental Records Centre datasets

RECORD (Cheshire)

The newest invertebrate data from RECORD is from August 2016 and current datasets only cover a very limited number of families / orders. For example, there are no records for two major orders; Diptera (True Flies) and Hemiptera (True Bugs), and Coleoptera (Beetles) is only represented by a single family; Coccinellidae (Ladybirds). The current datasets (below) are only available at low resolution (10 km) with no recorder or abundance information.

Higher resolution (2 km for non-protected species) access covering all invertebrate groups is provided via the RECORD website Data Search Facility but recorder names are not included and data cannot be downloaded (although is it possible to copy and paste each results page). Full resolution data is usually made available to the (voluntary) recorder community at no cost by contacting Go to Data Search Facility.

DatasetResolutionRecords uptoNo. RecordsNotes
Aculeate Hymenoptera (bee, wasps and ants) 10 km24/08/201610,217No recorder or abundance info
Butterflies10 km24/08/2016268,926No recorder or abundance info
Coccinellidae (ladybirds)10 km17/08/20168,445No recorder or abundance info
Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies)10 km17/08/201627,353No recorder or abundance info
Orthoptera (Grasshoppers and crickets)10 km17/08/20161,289No recorder or abundance info

Greater Manchester Ecology Unit (GMEU)

None of the three datasets containing invertebrate records have data newer than February 2016 and most records are for butterflies only at low (10 km) resolution without recorder or abundance information (see table below). There may be a small number of protected invertebrates species records from other taxonomic groups contained in the ‘Species of Conservation Interest’ dataset, also at low resolution with no details. 

Access to full resolution data for volunteer recorders and groups can usually be given free of charge by request to More information can be found on the GMEU website

DatasetResolutionRecords uptoNo. RecordsNotes
Butterflies10 km18/11/20147641Excludes any protected, UK BAP or any INNS (as defined by the Environment Agency). No recorder or abundance information.
Species of Conservation Interest in Greater Manchester10 km 29/2/201615062Records of BAP and protected species in Greater Manchester not included in other GMEU data sets. Most records don't relate to invertebrates.
Bolton Museum Butterflies10 km20/9/200415275No recorder or abundance information

Lancashire Environmental Record Network (LERN)

LERN publishes the vast majority of records in a single dataset on NBN Atlas at 2 km resolution, covering all invertebrate groups (see table below). The most records are 31/12/2016. No recorder, site or abundance information is included and dates are in whole year format only.

Access to full resolution data for volunteer recorders and groups can usually be given free of charge. See LERN’s Data Sharing and Usage Policy.

DatasetResolutionRecords uptoNo. RecordsNotes
LERN Records (includes all invertebrate groups) 2 km31/12/20161417679 (incl. non-inverts)Date only supplied at whole year resolution. No recorder or abundance info.

Merseyside BioBank

BioBank publishes five datasets covering all invertebrate groups, including two datasets containing unverified records. The newest records are April 2020. All datasets are downloadable at 2 km resolution with the exception of ‘North Merseyside Local Species Data’, which is available at full resolution (see table below). Recorder is now included in all datasets and abundance information in all but one. Overall, Biobank currently offers the most up to date and highest resolution data of all the regions LERCs.

Access to full resolution data for volunteer recorders and groups can usually be given free of charge but see BioBank’s Partner Support webpage and contact for more information.

DatasetResolutionRecords uptoNo. recordsNotes
Merseyside BioBank (unverified)2 km06/04/2020148,524 (incl. non-inverts)Now has recorder and abundance information.
Merseyside BioBank (verified)2 km31/12/2019231411 (incl. non-inverts)Now has recorder and abundance information
Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists (unverified)2 km22/04/201945935 (incl. non-inverts)Now has recorder and abundance information
Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists (verified)2 km22/04/201929461 (incl. non-inverts)Now has recorder and abundance information
North Merseyside Local Species Data (DEFRA Grant 23169)Full22/02/201743927 (incl. non-inverts)No abundance information

National Recording Schemes

Access to National Recording Scheme data via NBN Atlas varies between schemes from completely up to date datasets with hundreds of thousands of detailed records at full resolution all the way through to no data published. There can be a variety of reasons for such discrepancies in data availability via NBN Atlas such as capacity, resources (most schemes are run by volunteers), and data sharing policies.

Many national schemes (+ other surveys) currently have an arrangement between the Biological Records Centre (BRC) and NBN Atlas whereby iRecord datasets are updated every 2 months at full resolution (see iRecord NBN Sharing page for the most up to list). This represents the closest to ‘live’ invertebrate data currently available via NBN Atlas. Some schemes such as those run by the British Arachnological Society and BWARS whom don’t currently publish datasets on NBN Atlas host informative websites with distribution maps, status and ecological information for UK species. A few of latest invertebrate recording schemes to sign-up to regular NBN Atlas update via iRecord are:

  • Auchenorrhyncha Recording Scheme (leafhoppers and allies)
  • Hippoboscidae and Nycteribiidae Recording Scheme (flat-flies, keds and bat-flies)
  • Kelp Fly Recording Scheme
  • Oil Beetle Recording Scheme
  • Rhinophoridae Recording Scheme (woodlouse-flies)
  • Sciomyzidae Recording Scheme (snail-killing flies)
Recording Scheme
(with links to dataset info)
GroupResolutionRecords uptoNo. RecordsRecent national status reviews (2000 onwards)Notes
Acari Recording Scheme (mites)ArachnidsN/AN/ANo recordsNo Recording Scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 10/9/2020). See 2019 NW Oribatida mites checklist.
British Arachnological Society, Spider Recording SchemeArachnidsN/AN/ANo recordsP. Harvey, M. Davidson, I. Dawson, A. Fowles, G. Hitchcock, P. Lee, P. Merrett, T. Russell-Smith, H. Smith. 2017. A review of the scarce and threatened spiders (Araneae) of Great Britain: Species Status No. 22. NRW Evidence Report No: 11, 101pp, Natural Resources Wales, BangorNo Recording Scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 10/9/2020). Maps and species ecology info via BAS website
British Arachnological Society, Harvestman Recording Scheme ArachnidsFull30/04/200425,486A BRC dataset. Data originating from the BAS. No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas currently (as of 10/9/2020). Maps and species ecology info via BAS website
Pseudoscorpion Recording Scheme - records verified via iRecord
ArachnidsFullUpdated every 2 months7,327
Barkfly Recording Scheme: Psocoptera (outdoor species)BarkfliesN/AN/ANo recordsNo Recording Scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 10/9/2020). Species accounts available via BRC website
Balfour-Browne Club (Water Beetles)BeetlesFull25/12/2003284,963FOSTER, G.N. 2010. A review of the scarce and threatened Coleoptera of Great Britain. Part 3: aquatic Coleoptera. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee.
Chrysomelidae Recording SchemeBeetlesFullUpdated every 2 months18,099HUBBLE, D.S. 2014. A review of the scarce and threatened beetles of Great Britain. The leaf beetles and their allies Chrysomelidae, Megalopodidae and Orsodacni. Natural England Commissioned Report 161iRecord data only
Soldier Beetles, Jewel Beetles & Glow-worms Recording SchemeBeetlesFull31/12/200340,480ALEXANDER, 2014. A review of the beetles of Great Britain. The Soldier Beetles and their allies. Natural England Commissioned Report 134 No recorder information
The National Longhorn Beetle Recording SchemeBeetlesFullUpdated every 2 months18,047ALEXANDER, K.N.A., 2019. A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain – Longhorn beetles
(Cerambycidae). Natural England Commissioned Reports No. 272
iRecord data only
The Weevil and Bark Beetle Recording SchemeBeetlesFullUpdated every 2 months28,960iRecord data only, which in this case includes unverified data. See also 2019 VC58-60 Checklist by C. Washington.
Ground Beetle Recording Scheme (main database)
Ground Beetle Recording Scheme (iRecord)
BeetlesFull31/12/2014 + iRecord dataset updated every 2 months 339,214 + 53,232 (via iRecord)TELFER, M.G. 2016. A review of the beetles of Great Britain: Ground Beetles (Carabidae): Species Status No.25. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 189.BRC datasets. iRecord dataset includes unverified records.
UK Ladybird SurveyBeetlesFullUpdated every 2 months243,003iRecord data only (contains virtually all scheme data) - on BRC dataset
Atomariinae Recording Scheme Beetles10 km 15/08/199210,699No recorder information. Dataset is Atomariine Beetle (Coleoptera) records for Britain and Ireland to 1992. Recording scheme is no longer active so there is no mechanism for updating this taxon group.
Dermestidae Recording Scheme BeetlesN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022)
Elateroidea Recording Scheme BeetlesN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022)
Clown Beetles Recording Scheme BeetlesN/AN/ANo recordsLANE, S.A, 2017. A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain - The clown beetles and false clown beetles - Histeridae and Sphaeritidae. Natural England. Commissioned Reports, Number 235. No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022)
Oil Beetle Recording Scheme - records verified via iRecordBeetlesFullUpdated every 2 months2,544ANE, S.A. 2020. A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain – The Silphidae (Carrion Beetles). Natural England Commissioned Reports No. 316 iRecord data only
Ptiliidae Recording Scheme BeetlesN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022)
Scarabaeoidea Recording Scheme BeetlesN/AN/ANo recordsLANE, S.A, 2016. A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain – The stag beetles, dor beetles, dung beetles, chafers and their allies - Lucanidae, Geotrupidae, Trogidae and Scarabaeidae. Natural England. Commissioned Reports, Number 31.No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022)
Scirtidae Recording Scheme BeetlesN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022)
Silphidae Recording Scheme BeetlesFullUpdated every 2 months8,551LANE, S.A. 2020. A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain – The Silphidae (Carrion Beetles). Natural England Commissioned Reports No. 316 iRecord data only
Soldier Beetles and Allies Recording Scheme BeetlesFullUpdated every 2 months17,723ALEXANDER, 2014. A review of the beetles of Great Britain. The Soldier Beetles and their allies. Natural England Commissioned Report 134 iRecord data only
Staphylinidae Recording Scheme BeetlesN/AN/ANo recordsBOYCE, D.C.,
A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain: The Staphylinidae (Rove Beetles) (NECR390).
LANE, S.A., 2019. A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain – The Staphylinidae: Tachyporinae beetles. Natural England Commissioned Reports No. 265
No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022)
Stenini Recording Scheme BeetlesN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022)
Tenebrionoidea Recording Scheme BeetlesN/AN/ANo recordsALEXANDER, K.N.A, DODD S. &. DENTON, J.S. 2014. A review of the beetles of Great Britain. The Darkling Beetles and their allies. Natural England Commissioned Report 148. No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022)
Non-scheme Coleoptera via iRecordBeetlesFullUpdated every 2 months12,308ALEXANDER, K.N.A, 2017. A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain - The woodboring beetles, spider beetles, woodworm, false powder-post beetles, hide beetles and their allies – Derodontidoidea (Derodontidae) and Bostrichoidea (Dermestidae, Bostrichidae and Ptinidae) Natural England. Commissioned Reports, Number 236.Coleoptera records from iRecord for families not covered by a recording scheme. A BRC dataset
Butterfly Conservation (Butterflies) Butterflies and Moths1 km31/12/2014433,015FOX, R., WARREN, M.S. & BRERETON, T.M. 2010. A new Red List of British Butterflies. Species Status 12; 1-32. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee.Only Scottish data
Butterfly Conservation (Moths)Butterflies and Moths2 km31/12/19996,295,915FOX, R.,PARSONS.M.S. & HARROWER, C.A. (2019) A review of the status of macro-moths in Great Britain. Butterfly Conservation Report to Natural England.Pre-2000 data for all moths.
Crambidae & Pyralidae Recording SchemeButterflies and MothsN/AN/AN/ADAVIS, A.M. (2012). A Review of the Status of Microlepidoptera in Britain. Butterfly Conservation, Wareham. (Butterfly Conservation Report No. S12-02) See Butterfly Conservation (Moths)
Gelechiid Recording Scheme Butterflies and MothsN/AN/AN/ADAVIS, A.M. (2012). A Review of the Status of Microlepidoptera in Britain. Butterfly Conservation, Wareham. (Butterfly Conservation Report No. S12-02) See Butterfly Conservation (Moths)
Incurvarioidea Recording Scheme Butterflies and MothsN/AN/AN/ADAVIS, A.M. (2012). A Review of the Status of Microlepidoptera in Britain. Butterfly Conservation, Wareham. (Butterfly Conservation Report No. S12-02) See Butterfly Conservation (Moths)
Leaf-mining Moth Recording Scheme Butterflies and MothsN/AN/AN/ADAVIS, A.M. (2012). A Review of the Status of Microlepidoptera in Britain. Butterfly Conservation, Wareham. (Butterfly Conservation Report No. S12-02) See Butterfly Conservation (Moths)
Plume Moth Recording Scheme Butterflies and MothsN/AN/AN/ADAVIS, A.M. (2012). A Review of the Status of Microlepidoptera in Britain. Butterfly Conservation, Wareham. (Butterfly Conservation Report No. S12-02) See Butterfly Conservation (Moths)
Hypogean macro-Crustacea recordsCrustaceansFull24/05/20141,963
British Myriapod and Isopod Group, Woodlice & Waterlice Recording Scheme CrustaceansNo data showingN/AN/ALEE, P. 2015. A review of the millipedes (Diplopoda), centipedes (Chilopoda) and woodlice (Isopoda) of Great Britain. Natural England Commissioned Report 186. No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022)
British Dragonfly Society Recording SchemeDragonflies & DamselfliesFull05/01/20221,716,737DAGUET, C.A., FRENCH, G.C. & TAYLOR, P. 2008. The Odonata Red Data List for Great Britain. Species Status 11; 1-34. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee.Species accounts via BDS website
Earthworm Society of BritainEarthwormsFull30/03/202217,751A British Isles checklist and detailed information on all aspects of the scheme can be found on the ESOB website.
Freshwater Flatworm Recording Scheme: Tricladida (freshwater species)FlatwormsN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022)
Terrestrial Flatworm Recording Scheme: Tricladida (terrestrial species)FlatwormsN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022)
Siphonaptera and Phthiraptera Recording Scheme Fleas & liceFullUpdated every 2 months72A BRC dataset. iRecord verified data only.
Grasshopper Recording Scheme (main database)
Grasshopper Recording Scheme (via iRecord)
Grasshoppers and CricketsFull19/11/2015 + via iRecord (updated every 2 months)110,863 + 34,178 via iRecordSUTTON, P.G. 2015. A review of the Orthoptera (Grasshoppers and crickets) and allied species of Great Britain. Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Dermaptera, Phasmida. Natural England Commissioned Report 187BRC datasets. Species accounts can be found on the scheme website.
Bees, Wasps and Ants Recording Society (BWARS)HymenopteraN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 10/9/2020). Detailed species accounts with images and 10 km resolution maps are on the BWARS website. See also the online Cheshire Aculeate Atlas and 2019 Lancs checklist.
Bees, Wasps and Ants. A BRC Dataset via iRecordHymenopteraN/AUpdated every 2 months225,330The majority verified by the BWARS iRecord verification team. See also the online Cheshire Aculeate Atlas and 2019 Lancs checklist.
Parasitic Wasps Recording Scheme: Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea (nocturnal)HymenopteraN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). Keys and literature are on the scheme website. See also 2018 NW Checklist.
Sawfly Recording Scheme HymenopteraFullUpdated every 2 months21,775iRecord data only - on BRC dataset
Lacewings and Allies Recording Scheme Lacewings and alliesFull31/03/199918,501A BRC dataset.
Conchological Society of Great Britain & IrelandMolluscsFull20/03/2022712,179M.B. SEDDON, I.J. KILLEEN & A.P. FOWLES. 2014. A Review of the Non-Marine Mollusca of Great Britain: Species Status No. 17. NRW Evidence Report No: 14, 84pp, Natural Resources Wales, Bangor. Various datasets -richest dataset for NW is 'Mollusc (non-marine) data for Great Britain and Ireland'. Detailed species accounts can be found on the scheme website.
British Myriapod and Isopod Group, Centipede Recording Scheme MyriapodsN/AN/ANo recordsLEE, P. 2015. A review of the millipedes (Diplopoda), centipedes (Chilopoda) and woodlice (Isopoda) of Great Britain. Natural England Commissioned Report 186. No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). Detailed species accounts can be found on the BMIG website.
British Myriapod and Isopod Group, Millipede Recording Scheme MyriapodsFull12/12/200548,243LEE, P. 2015. A review of the millipedes (Diplopoda), centipedes (Chilopoda) and woodlice (Isopoda) of Great Britain. Natural England Commissioned Report 186. No recorder information. Data from the 2006 atlas published by BMIG. Detailed species accounts can be found on the BMIG website.
Ephemeroptera Recording Scheme (Mayflies)RiverfliesFulliRecord dataset updated every 2 months208,877 + 3,967 (iRecord)MACADAM, C.R. 2016. A review of the status of the mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Great Britain. Natural England. Commissioned Reports, Number 193.Recorders from countryside agencies are not named. Main dataset goes upto 2017. iRecord data is updated monthly.
Plecoptera Recording Scheme (Stoneflies)RiverfliesFulliRecord dataset updated every 2 months38,197 + 2,589 (iRecord)MACADAM, C.R. 2015. A review of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Great Britain. Natural England Commissioned Report 174. Bulk of the records come from a dataset 'Stonefly (Plecoptera) Data for Great Britain for 1955-2005'. iRecord data is updated monthly. See also 2016 NW Checklist.
Caddisfly Recording Scheme (iRecord)
Caddisfly Recording Scheme (main database)
Caddisfly Recording Scheme (iNaturalist)
RiverfliesFulliRecord dataset updated every 2 months469,170 + 15,940 (iRecord) + 1,060 (iNaturalist)WALLACE, I.D. 2016. A review of the status of the caddis flies (Trichoptera) of Great Britain - Species Status No.27. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 191.Three datasets on NBN Atlas; those from iRecord (updated monthly), the recording scheme database (upto 31/12/2018) where the bulk of the records originate, and also records verified from iNaturalist. See also 2016 NW Checklist.
Collembola Recording Scheme Springtails10 km 31/08/200810,633No recorder information
Tick Surveillance Scheme TicksFull13/08/20084,591No recorder details
Aquatic Heteroptera Recording Scheme True BugsFull18/11/201241,887COOK, A.A. 2015. A review of the Hemiptera of Great Britain: The Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Bugs. Dipsocoromorpha, Gerromorpha, Leptopodomorpha & Nepomorpha. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 188. Detailed species accounts can be found on the scheme website.
Terrestrial Heteroptera Recording Scheme (Shieldbugs & allied species)True BugsFulliRecord dataset updated every 2 months88,579BANTOCK, T. 2016. A review of the Hemiptera of Great Britain: The shieldbugs and allied families: Species Status No.26. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 190Three datasets including one via iRecord. Detailed species accounts and an extensive image gallery can be found on the British Bugs website.
Auchenorrhyncha Recording Scheme True BugsFullUpdated every 2 months36,295 (iRecord data only) No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 10/9/2020). Detailed species accounts and an extensive image gallery can be found on the British Bugs website.
Terrestrial Heteroptera Recording Scheme - Plant bugs and allied species True BugsN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). Detailed species accounts and an extensive image gallery can be found on the British Bugs website. See also 2011 NW Heteroptera checklist.
Psylloidea Recording Scheme True BugsN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). Detailed species accounts and an extensive image gallery can be found on the British Bugs website.
Stilt & Stalk Flies Recording SchemeTrue FliesFull07/06/20215,373FALK, S.J., ISMAY, J.W. & CHANDLER, P.J. 2016. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Acalyptratae flies in the UK. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number217. Dataset provided by Dipterists Forum. See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Anthomyiid Recording Scheme True FliesFullUpdated every 2 months?0FALK, S.J, & PONT, A.C. 2017. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Calypterate flies in the UK. Natural England. Commissioned Reports, Number 234. This iRecord dataset makes up the complete recording scheme dataset. All data has recently been removed. See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Agromyzidae Recording Scheme True FliesN/AN/ANo recordsFALK, S.J., ISMAY, J.W. & CHANDLER, P.J. 2016. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Acalyptratae flies in the UK. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 217No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Calliphoridae Recording Scheme True FliesFullUpdated every 2 months4,400FALK, S.J, & PONT, A.C. 2017. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Calypterate flies in the UK. Natural England. Commissioned Reports, Number 234. iRecord data only - on BRC dataset. See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Chironomidae Study Group True FliesN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Chloropid Study Group True FliesN/AN/ANo recordsFALK, S.J., ISMAY, J.W. & CHANDLER, P.J. 2016. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Acalyptratae flies in the UK. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 217No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Conopidae, Lonchopteridae & Picture-winged Fly Recording Scheme True FliesN/AN/ANo recordsCHANDLER, P.J. 2017. A review of the status of the Lonchopteridae, Platypezidae and Opetiidae flies of Great Britain Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number246.No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Cranefly Recording Scheme (main database)
Cranefly Recording Scheme (iRecord)
True Flies1 km31/12/2016 + via iRecord (updated every 2 months)137,495 + 31,987 via iRecordCranefly (Diptera; Tipuloidea) records for Britain to 2016 dataset from BRC plus an iRecord dataset. See also 2017 NW Checklist.
Dixidae and Thaumaleidae Recording Scheme: Meniscus midges True FliesFull31/12/19881,462FALK, S.J. & Chandler, P.J. 2005. A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain. Part 2: Nematocera and Aschiza not dealt with by Falk (1991). Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee.Not strictly a Recording Scheme dataset. Held by the BRC and checked by the Scheme Organiser at the time. See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Empididae, Hybotidae & Dolichopodidae Recording Scheme True FliesN/AN/ANo recordsFALK, S.J. & CROSSLEY, R. 2005. A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain. Part 3: Empidoidea. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee.

DRAKE, C.M. 2018. A review of the status of the Dolichopodidae flies of Great Britain - Species Status No.30. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number195.
No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). See also 2019 NW Empidoidea checklist, and 2022 NW Dolichopodidae checklist.
Fungus Gnat Recording Scheme True FliesN/AN/ANo recordsFALK, S.J. & Chandler, P.J. 2005. A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain. Part 2: Nematocera and Aschiza not dealt with by Falk (1991). Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee.No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). See also historical NW checklist and all families checklist for NW Diptera
Heleomyzid Recording Scheme - data verified via iRecord True FliesFullUpdated every 2 months5,043FALK, S.J., ISMAY, J.W. & CHANDLER, P.J. 2016. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Acalyptratae flies in the UK. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 217See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Hoverfly Recording Scheme True FliesN/AN/ANo recordsBALL, S.G. & MORRIS, R.K.A. 2014. A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain. Part 6: Syrphidae. Species Status 9: 1-130 Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough. No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 10/9/2020). Species accounts and distribution maps are on the scheme website. See also 2020 VC58-60 checklist by G. Rostron.
Hippoboscidae and Nycteribiidae Recording Scheme - records verified via iRecordTrue FliesFullUpdated every 2 months192DRAKE, C.M. 2017. A review of the status of Larger Brachycera flies of Great Britain - Species Status No.29. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 192 Scheme pages on BRC website contains 2018 provisional atlas download. See also 2017 NW Checklist.
Non-scheme Diptera via iRecordTrue FliesFullUpdated every 2 months69,625FALK, S.J., ISMAY, J.W. & CHANDLER, P.J. 2016. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Acalyptratae flies in the UK. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 217
FALK, S.J. & CHANDLER, P.J. 2005. A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain. Part 2: Nematocera and Aschiza not dealt with by Falk (1991). Species Status 2: 1-189. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough.
Diptera records from iRecord for families not covered by a recording scheme. A BRC dataset. See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Kelp Fly Recording Scheme - records verified via iRecord True FliesFullUpdated every 2 months264FALK, S.J. & Chandler, P.J. 2005. A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain. Part 2: Nematocera and Aschiza not dealt with by Falk (1991). Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee.No recorder information. See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Mosquito Recording Scheme True FliesFull10/09/19933,096FALK, S.J. & Chandler, P.J. 2005. A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain. Part 2: Nematocera and Aschiza not dealt with by Falk (1991). Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee.No recorder information. See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Oestridae Recording Scheme True FliesN/AN/ANo recordsFALK, S.J, & PONT, A.C. 2017. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Calypterate flies in the UK. Natural England. Commissioned Reports, Number 234. No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Pipunculidae Study Group True FliesN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Flat-footed Fly Recording Scheme: PlatypezidaeTrue FliesN/AN/ANo recordsCHANDLER, P.J. 2017. A review of the status of the Lonchopteridae, Platypezidae and Opetiidae flies of Great Britain Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number246.No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Rhinophoridae Recording Scheme - verified via iRecordTrue FliesFullUpdated every 2 months526FALK, S.J, & PONT, A.C. 2017. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Calypterate flies in the UK. Natural England. Commissioned Reports, Number 234. iRecord data only. See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Sarcophagidae Recording Scheme (a Dipterists Forum dataset)True FliesFullUpdated every 2 months16,774FALK, S.J, & PONT, A.C. 2017. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Calypterate flies in the UK. Natural England. Commissioned Reports, Number 234. iRecord data only. See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Scathophagid Recording Scheme True FliesN/AN/ANo recordsNo recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). See all families checklist for NW Diptera.
Sepsidae Recording SchemeTrue FliesFullUpdated every 2 months3,537FALK, S.J., ISMAY, J.W. & CHANDLER, P.J. 2016. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Acalyptratae flies in the UK. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 217iRecord data only. One of the Dipterists Forum datasets. See also 2017 NW Checklist.
Sciomyzidae Recording Scheme - iRecordTrue FliesFullUpdated every 2 months3,073FALK, S.J., ISMAY, J.W. & CHANDLER, P.J. 2016. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Acalyptratae flies in the UK. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 217iRecord data only. One of the Dipterists Forum datasets. See also 2017 NW Checklist.
Soldierflies and Allies Recording SchemeTrue FliesFullUpdated every 2 months137,424DRAKE, C.M. 2017. A review of the status of Larger Brachycera flies of Great Britain - Species Status No.29. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 192 Scheme pages on BRC website contains 2018 provisional atlas download. See also 2017 NW Checklist.
Tachinid Recording Scheme (main database)
Tachinid Recording Scheme (iRecord)
True FliesFullUpdated every 2 months22,586 + 16,774 (iRecord)FALK, S.J., ISMAY, J.W. & CHANDLER, P.J. 2016. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Acalyptratae flies in the UK. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 217BRC datasets. Species accounts and various identification aids are on the scheme website
Tephritid Flies Recording SchemeTrue FliesN/AN/ANo recordsFALK, S.J., ISMAY, J.W. & CHANDLER, P.J. 2016. A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Acalyptratae flies in the UK. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 217No recording scheme data on NBN Atlas (as of 09/08/2022). See NW picture-wing flies checklist.
Cladocera Interest Group (Water fleas)Water FleasFull02/11/20162,969 Downloadable 10 km resolution distribution maps are on the scheme website