In 2019 and 2020 fieldwork was carried out to assess whether Bromius obscurus was still present at sites where it had previously been recorded on the Cheshire and Staffordshire border and to find new sites. The fieldwork in 2019 was partly successful as the beetle was found to be extant at one site in Staffordshire, but no new sites in Cheshire were discovered. It was intended to carry out more extensive fieldwork in 2020, but restrictions on travel due to the Covid-19 pandemic initially hampered research. Site visits were carried out later in the year and confirmed presence at a new Cheshire locality that had been reported by another invertebrate ecologist, followed by a new record from another nearby site. This account summarises all historical and recent records of the species known to the author prior to the work in 2019 and 2020 and new records and is partly taken from Stenhouse (2020).
A survey commissioned by The Tanyptera Project.
Ref: beetles
Published November 2021
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