The Diptera of Lancashire and Cheshire: Empidoidea, Part I


This document provides a new checklist for the four Diptera families (Atelestidae, Brachystomidae, Empididae and Hybotidae) which together with the Dolichopodidae constitute the superfamily Empidoidea. This supersedes the lists of the Empididae of Lancashire and Cheshire first published by Kidd and Bindle in 1959. Overall statistics on recording activity are given by decade and hectad. Checklists are presented for each of the three Watsonian vice-counties 58, 59, and 60 detailing for each species the number of records, year of earliest and most recent record, and the number of hectads with records. A combined checklist showing distribution by the three vice-counties is also included, covering a total of 243 species, amounting to 62% of the current British checklist. A summary of habitat associations and national conservation status is also included.

Ref. True Flies

Ref. Diptera

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