Elton Goit Invertebrate Survey 2020-2022

Survey work commenced in the autumn of 2020 with the setting of pitfall traps, pan traps and hanging bottle-traps. In addition a vacuum was used later on in selected areas. A butterfly net and canvas bag were employed to sweep vegetation. Dung was examined for Dung Beetles. All of the work was carried out in the autumn of 2020, 2021 and 2022. A pond was used to search for aquatic invertebrates. The survey missed the
spring and high summer invertebrate activity. The survey represents a fraction of what could be present.
The Site
The site includes Natural England registered Priority Habitat Flood-plain Grazing Marsh, Priority Habitat Lowland Fen, and adjacent Lowland Meadow Priority Habitat. It also includes a field south of Old Hall Farm where samples were collected as part of a training event in a field of Yarrow.

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