A selection of notable records reported to Tanyptera. Includes older, but newly recognised regional vice county records (dates blue). ‘The region’ = VC58, 59, 60 + Cheshire, Lancs, Merseyside, Greater Manchester.
This month’s notes feature additions from Philip Brighton and Don Stenhouse, with Philip having used R to compare IRecord records with regional checklists to identify any Diptera species new to the area from the past year, and even went through the effort of writing up his findings in the format of the monthly notes. Don has also done the same for beetles he found at Borsdane woods on a recent trip with the Tanyptera Project.
Coleoptera (Beetles)
The following Coleoptera entries are written by Don Stenhouse, with minor adjustments
Cryptophagus scutellatus (Newman, 1834), Borsdane woods, Wigan, VC59, 07/03/2024, D. Stenhouse
- Very small at just over 1mm long. Little is known of the biology but adults occur in decaying organic matter e.g. in compost, fungoid tree hollows and decaying bark, bird nests, mammal burrows and nests (https://www.ukbeetles.co.uk/cryptophagus-scutellatus CC-BY).
- No previous records in VC59, though several in Cheshire.
Ptinella errabunda (Johnson, 1975), Borsdane woods, Wigan, VC59, 07/03/2024, D. Stenhouse

- No images appear to be available. This is one of a similar species Ptinella aptera (Guérin-Méneville, 1839) to indicate the general look.
- Tiny at approx 0.8mm. Associated with rotten wood and under the bark of dead broad-leaved trees.
- No apparent VC59 records since Speke in 1985 (Chris Felton).
Haploglossa villosula (Stephens, 1832), Borsdane woods, Wigan, VC59, 07/03/2024, D. Stenhouse
- Associated with carrion on or in small birds nests.
- Although not a scarce species it doesn’t appear to have been recorded from VC59 for many years.
Lepidoptera (Butterflies & Moths)
Acleris literana (Linnaeus, 1758), Woolton Liverpool, VC59, 19/03/2024, S. Palmer

- Has undergone a general increase in range over the past couple of decades but still relatively few records in the north west, with the main distribution throughout southern England.
- Overwinters as an adult, flying in both August-September as well as April-May.
Diptera (Flies)
Cheilosia albipila (Meigen 1838), Ainsdale NNR, VC59, 22/03/2024, P. Kinsella

- Few records of this species exist in the Northwest, with spotty distribution throughout the UK.
- The larvae feed on Cirsium palustre, and are often found in marshy areas.
Tipula vittata (Meigen 1804), Ainsdale NNR, VC59, 29/03/2024, P. Kinsella

- Whilst this species is regularly recorded in the north west, this record is interesting because of how early it is, with most Tipula vittata being mainly recorded in April and May.
- The larvae of this species are found primarily in the muddy margins around streams and ponds.
Heleomyza serrata (Linnaeus, 1758), Arkholme, VC60, 16/03/2024, N. Garnham

- This species has very few records in the north west, though is distributed mainly throughout Wales, Scotland, and northern England, with the majority of records in the north west originating from VC60.
Egle parva (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830), Houghton Green Pool, VC60, Phil Brighton

- A fly with few records in the UK, found throughout England, Scotland, and Wales.
- Their larvae feed on willow catkins.
The following Diptera entries are written by Philip Brighton, as mentioned at the start of the notes
Physemocecis hartigi (Cecidomyiidae), Woolston Park, Warrington, VC59, 15/05/2023, D. Higginson-Tranter

- This gall-midge causes slightly raised blisters on the underside of lime (Tilia) species. They turn brown after the white larva has left.
- There are just 15 NBN records, in two quite separate groups, one in North-West Scotland and the other in swathe from Gloucestershire to Norfolk. This is the first record for our region.
Chaoborus pallidus (Chaoboridae), Houghton Green Pool, Warrington, VC59, 17/05/2023, P. Brighton

- The Chaoboridae are the phantom-midges, so called because of the transparent body of the aquatic larvae, which are predators on small invertebrates. There are six British species.
- This species is distinguished by the strong black and white bands on the legs and antennae. NBN atlas has 62 records spread over England and Wales. This is a first for the region.
- It was also found at the same site on 2 subsequent occasions, along with large numbers of Chaoborus crystallinus.
Diadocidia ferruginosa (Diadocidiidae), Artle Dale, VC60, 11/08/2023, P. Brighton
- The commonest of the three British species in this small family. There are 166 records on the NBN Atlas well spread across Britain.
- The larvae may be found in mucous tubes under rotting logs and have been associated with the fungus Peniophora.
Cordyla crassicornis (Mycetophilidae), Houghton Green Pool, Warrington, VC59, 16/08/2023, P. Brighton
- A common fungus gnat in woodland throughout Britain and Ireland with 177 NBN records.
- The larvae develop in fungi of the family Russulaceae (milkcaps and brittlegills).
Mycomya winnertzi (Mycetophilidae), Colliers Moss, St Helens, VC59, 05/09/2023, P. Brighton
- A fungus gnat species with 120 NBN records distributed throughout Britain.
- Larva recorded from bracket fungi (Ganoderma and Phellinus).
Machimus atricapillus (Asilidae), Hassall Green, VC58, 13/09/2023, D. Skingsley

- Amazingly, there are over 5,000 records of this medium-sized robberfly on the NBN Atlas, spreading up to southern Scotland but this is the first for the region apart from 3 in VC60 between 1988 and 1999.
- The prey of the adults is mainly Diptera such as Syrphidae and Calyptrates. They inhabit a wide range of open habitats on dryish soils.
- The females lay their eggs in flowerheads of sedges, hawkweeds and other plants.
Neoitamus cyanurus (Asilidae), Ainsdale, VC59, 04/06/2023, P. Kinsella

- A robberfly which seems to prefer slow-flying moths as prey.
- Regarded as one of the commoner robberflies nationally with 1507 records throughout the country.
Gymnopternus blankaartensis (Dolichopodidae), Houghton Green Pool, VC59, 02/09/2023, P. Brighton
- A small predatory fly described as a separate species in 1990 and only recently included in British identification keys.
- There are already 97 records on the NBN Atlas, well spread across southern England and Wales. It has also bene recorded in Ireland, but this record is new for the region.
Empis pennipes (Empididae), Frodsham, VC58, 26/05/2023, P. Brash
- A first record for the region for this smallish black predatory fly.
- There are 122 NBN records mainly in the southern half of Great Britain.
Agathomyia wankowiczii (Platypezidae), Longridge, VC60, 18/02/2024, D. Lambert

- Agathomyia wankowiczii is the only invertebrate in Britain known to cause a gall on a fungus, Artist’s Bracket (Ganoderma applanatum)
- Like other Platypezid flies, the bright orange adults are elusive.
- Our first new VC Diptera record for 2024! The first UK record was in Kent in 1990, and there are now 127 records on IRECORD, spread throughout England and Wales.
Odontomyia argentata (Stratiomyiidae), Birkdale Green Beach, VC59, 23/05/2023, T. Hunter

- This spring soldier-fly species was regarded as poorly known and elusive by Stubbs and Drake, but there are now 290 NBN records. This is a first for the region, some way beyond the previous range stretching southwards and eastwards from the West Midlands.
- The larvae have been reported from decaying matter in pools liable to dry up in the summer, so this may be an established resident at Birkdale.
Eriozona syrphoides (Syrphidae), Formby, VC59, P. Kinsella

- A large bumble-bee mimic, which was first recorded in Britain at Lancaster in 1957.
- It has extensively colonised coniferous woodland in Northern England, Wales and Scotland.
- This is a first for the Sefton coast for this species, whose larvae feed on aphids.
Mallota cimbiciformis (Syrphidae), Ainsdale, VC59, 02/07/2023, P. Kinsella

- This is a large and impressive honey-bee mimic, in the Eristalini tribe with a rat-tail larva living in water-filled rot-holes in trees.
- This is a first for the Sefton coast, with another recorded by Peter Kinsella at Freshfield Dune Heath on 13th July.
- The species is nationally scarce and mainly found in the south-east of England.
Rhingia rostrata (Syrphidae), Warton Crag, VC60, 01/05/2023, C. Rankin

- This species was regarded as scarce 20 years ago, but prone to suddenly appear abundantly in woods and then not to be seen again for many years. Moreover it was confined to a few small areas in the south. The last decade has seen a rapid and so far inexplicable expansion to all parts of England and Wales, and also Northern Ireland.
- This is not the first VC record of this species in VC60, the earliest we have traced being in 2018 at Over Kellet, followed by another at Leighton Moss in 2021. But this was the first of three VC60 sightings on IRECORD in 2023.
Xanthandrus comtus (Syrphidae), Macclesfield Riverside Park, VC58, 12/08/2023, D. Higginson-Tranter

- This is a scarce but distinctive hoverfly, which is regarded as migratory from the continent in view of its erratic appearances. IRECORD has 186 records spread over the whole of Great Britain, but the only previous Cheshire records were in 1905 and 1987.
- The larvae are predatory on the caterpillars of micro-moths.
- Note the black scutellum which places this species in the Bacchini tribe despite its resemblance to many Syrphini.
Amauromyza flavifrons (Agromyzidae), Hurst Green, VC60, 29/07/2020, C. McLennan

- A common leaf-miner in a range of plant species.
- Recorded in almost all English and Welsh vice-counties and in much of Scotland.
Liriomyza cicerina (Agromyzidae), Ravenmeols Hills, Formby, VC59, 12/08/2023, S. Norman

- A nationally scarce but widespread leaf-miner, recorded here from rest-harrow (Ononis repens)
- In the Mediterranean region, it is a serious pest on chickpeas.
Phytomyza conyzae (Agromyzidae), Devil’s Hole, Formby, VC59, 12/08/2023, S. Norman

- A leaf-miner on a range of Asteraceae, including fleabane (Pulicaria dysenterica) as seen here.
- Recorded from virtually every vice-county in England and Wales, and also in Ireland and the Inner Hebrides.
Phytomyza cytisi (Agromyzidae), Poynton, VC58, 12/08/2023, A. Emmerson

- A leaf-miner on Laburnum (Laburnum anagyroides), a wide-spread but non-native ornamental tree.
- Recorded across most vice-counties of England and Wales, and also in Scotland and Ireland.
Phytomyza petoei (Agromyzidae), Liverpool, VC59, 25/12/2023, A. Donegan

- This is a leaf-miner of herbs such as lemon balm (Melissa) and mints (Mentha).
- It is classed as nationally scarce with a patchy distribution throughout the UK apart from the north of Scotland. This record is a first for the region.
Cacoxenus indagator (Drosophilidae), Walton, Warrington, VC58, 31/12/2016, “sjfjarvis” (iNaturalist)

- This species is associated with nests of the bees Osmia bicornis (Red Mason Bee) and Anthophora plumipes – particularly on brick walls inhabited by the first of these, as seen in the photo.
- Its larvae are kleptoparasites in the nests and the adults have to break out of the cells on emergence, earning the popular name of Houdini fly. They may have a significant impact on the bee populations.
- There are 162 NBN records mostly spread across England Wales. There have been two later VC58 records and one in VC59.
Lonchaea palposa (Lonchaeidae), Frodsham, VC58, 24/05/2023, P. Brash

- The larvae of flies in the large genus Lonchaea are mostly saproxylic, living in dead and decaying wood.
- This species is distinguished by its enlarged palps and is mainly associated with poplar.
- It is new to the region, and rarely recorded with just 15 NBN records scattered across southern England.
Pherbellia dorsata (Sciomyizidae), Leighton Moss, VC60, 19/04/2023, S. Garland
- A nationally notable snail-killing fly which has bene recorded over most of England and Wales
- The larvae occur in various permanent aquatic habitats. In the laboratory they attack a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic pulmonate snails, but the only known host in the field is the Ramshorn snail Planorbis planorbis.
Sepedon spinipes (Sciomyzidae), Houghton Green Pool, 04/07/2023, P. Brighton

- Surprisingly, this species has not been recorded in Lancashire before, though frequent south of the Mersey-Humber line.
- Adults occur beside still and slow-moving water in a wide range of wetlands. Larvae have been observed in the field killing and eating the Ramshorn snail Planorbis planorbis.
- Five more records were made at this site in August and September.
Goniglossum wiedemanni (Tephritidae), Chester, VC 58. 25/06/2023, “cled” (iNaturalist)

- There are 43 NBN records of this distinctive fly in England as far North as Birmingham. This is a new regional record.
- The larvae live in the fruits of white bryony (Bryonia dioica) as seen in the photo.
Melieria picta (Ulidiidae), Astmoor Salt Marsh, VC58, 17/08/2023, P. Brash

- This is one of four British species in this genus, mainly occurring in coastal wetlands. All of them have been recorded in the region, and there are nearly 1,300 NBN records of the genus, but this is the first of this species for VC58.
- It was found at 5 separate locations across the Marsh.
Lucilia bufonivora (Calliphoridae), Leighton Moss, VC60, 10/07/2021, S. Garland
- This is a typical greenbottle in appearance, but the larvae are parasitoids in toads (Bufo bufo) usually with fatal results.
- There are 135 records across England and Wales on the NBN Atlas, compared to 5,405 for the genus.
Fannia polychaeta (Fanniidae), Artle Dale, VC60, 11/08/2023, P. Brighton
- A small blackish and bristly fly typical of this large genus, mostly found in woods and sometimes associated with bird nests.
- Generally common, with 603 NBN records throughout Britain.
Crataerina pallida (Hippoboscidae), Lancaster, VC60, 19/06/2023, J. Woodward

Jen Woodward (CC BY-NC)
- The Hippoboscidae are external blood-sucking parasites on birds and mammals. The females bear a single larva which grows within the parent until it is ready to pupate externally.
- There are 14 British species with varying degrees of host specialisation. C. pallida is almost exclusively found on swifts (Apus apus). The life-cycle is completed during the 3½ months that the birds are present at their breeding site. The adults have reduced wings and cannot fly, and the species survives by overwintering as a pupa in the vacated nests.
- This specimen is from the upper floor of a house where swifts were nesting in the soffit.
Coenosia antennata (Muscidae), Hilbre Island, VC58, 05/07/2023, P. Brighton
- An almost exclusively coastal member of this large genus of small predatory flies with 149 NBN records around all the coasts of England and Wales.
Phaonia siebecki (Muscidae), Houghton Green Pool, VC59, 29/05/2023, P. Brighton
- This is a fairly typical member of this large genus with black or grey coloration throughout. The abundant setae on the rear tibiae distinguish it from P. serva which has been found several times at the site.
- There are 50 NBN records scattered across England but with a hotspot in Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire. This is new for the region.
Cistogaster globosa (Tachinidae), Eaton Park, Chester, VC58, 20/07/2023, P. Brash

- Like several other Tachinids parasitising heteropteran bugs, this species lacks the dense bristles typical of most of the family.
- The host is the Bishop’s Mitre shieldbug (Aelia acuminata)
- Thirty years ago, it was known from southern England. This records represents a further north-westerly extension of its range
Dinera carinifrons (Tachinidae), Swallow’s Wood, Tintwistle, VC58, 10/07/2023, K. Gartside

- There are 133 NBN records of this species, distributed from the south coast to the North of Scotland but curiously all to the west of the main axis of the country. This is a first regional record.
- It has been recorded as a parasitoid of the common dung-beetle Agrilinus ater (Scarabaeidae) which is distributed throughout Great Britain.
Gonia picea (Tachinidae), Longridge Fell, VC60, 25/04/2023, T. Southward

- This spring-flying parasitoid has been bred from various butterflies and moths including the Comma (Polygonia c-album), the Shoulder-striped Wainscot (Mythimna comma) and the Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis).
- Though formerly known from throughout most of England and Wales, it has only been recorded in the region in the last few years as part of a general upsurge in numbers.
Mintho rufiventris (Tachinidae), Chester, VC 58. 02/07/2023, “cled” (iNaturalist)

- This parasitoid has been reared from the saprophagous moth Hypsopygia glaucinalis (Pyralidae) or Double-Striped Tabby.
- Lancashire and Cheshire are on the edge of the range across southern and eastern England seen in the 359 NBN records
Phasia pusilla (Tachinidae), Houghton Green Pool, 04/07/2023, P. Brighton
- A small black parasitoid of heteroptera, particularly ground-bugs (Lygaeidae).
- This species is at the edge of its British range here, apart from outlying records in the Isle of Man and Inverness, with 937 NBN records.
Periscepsia latifrons (Tachinidae), Houghton Green Pool, 16/08/2023, P. Brighton

- A parasitoid which has been known to attack The Clay (Mythimna farrago)
- New to the region. Only 21 NBN records, but known from Denbigshire and South-West Yorkshire
Solieria vacua (Tachinidae), Ashton’s Flash, VC58, 13/07/2021, N. Jones
- A parasitoid which has been reared from an unidentified Tortricid moth larva.
- Three records from Nigel Jones’ survey of Ashton’s Flash in 2021. Also found by Peter Brash at Wallascote landfill on the other side of Northwich on 07/08/2023.
- Just 22 NBN records scattered widely across England and Wales.
Hemiptera (True Bugs)
Newsteadia floccosa (De Geer, 1778), Wybunbury Moss NNR, VC58, 19/02/2024, S. Van Toller

- This individual was found in rotted pine debris on moss.
- No previous records in VC58, with only 7 records across the UK on IRecord
Stephanitis takeyai (Drake & Maa, 1955), Frodsham, VC58, 17/3/2024 T. Kenwright

- A Japanese lacebug first recorded in 1988, this bug is usually found in the south east, though seems to be associated with urban environments.
- Most of the records of this species in the north west are from South Lancashire, making this Cheshire record notable.
Opiliones (Harvestmen)
Dicranopalpus larvatus (Canestrini, 1874), Boughton Heath Allotments, 26/3 & 28/3 VC58, Clive Jones

- A species introduced to the UK in 2020, few records exist of Dicranopalpus larvatus in the north west on IRecord, with none on NBNatlas, all of which have been made in the past few years.
- As with most harvestmen, this species is found in leaf litter and debris, as was this record.
Megabunus diadema (Fabricius, 1779), Quernmore, Lancaster, VC60, 18/3/2024, C. Workman

- This parthenogenic harvestman species has few records in the north west, but has an otherwise wide distribution across the UK.
- Active for larger portions of the year in the warmer regions of southern England, though is no longer present in certain regions of south east England, which are thought to have become too dry or hot.
Diplopoda (Millipedes)
Cylindroiulus caeruleocinctus (Wood, 1864), Court Hey Park, Huyton, Liverpool, VC59, 17/3, Susan Marley

- Few records in the North West, with common distribution in south east England.
- 3cm long and lacks a projected telson.
iRecord records summary
Group | No. of records | No. of species |
insect – hymenopteran | 404 | 32 |
insect – beetle (Coleoptera) | 367 | 64 |
insect – true fly (Diptera) | 288 | 49 |
mollusc | 179 | 44 |
crustacean | 121 | 12 |
insect – true bug (Hemiptera) | 75 | 19 |
millipede | 58 | 5 |
spider (Araneae) | 48 | 19 |
centipede | 31 | 6 |
flatworm (Turbellaria) | 10 | 5 |
iRecord top 10 species
Scientific Name | Common Name | Family | Order | Number of Records |
Coccinella septempunctata | 7-spot Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | 108 |
Eristalis pertinax | Syrphidae | Diptera | 96 | |
Harmonia axyridis | Harlequin Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | 68 |
Bombus terrestris | Buff-tailed Bumblebee | Apidae | Hymenoptera | 65 |
Oniscus asellus | Common Shiny Woodlouse | Oniscidae | Isopoda | 52 |
Andrena fulva | Tawny Mining Bee | Andrenidae | Hymenoptera | 42 |
Porcellio scaber | Common Rough Woodlouse | Porcellionidae | Isopoda | 37 |
Apis mellifera | Western Honey Bee | Apidae | Hymenoptera | 31 |
Palomena prasina | Green Shieldbug | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | 31 |
Limacus maculatus | Green Cellar Slug | Limacidae | Pulmonata | 30 |