Invertebrate Notes July 2022

A selection of notable records reported to Tanyptera. Includes older, but newly recognised regional vice county records (dates blue). ‘The region’ = VC58, 58, 60 + Cheshire, Lancs, Merseyside, Greater Manchester.

Araneae (Spiders)

Leviellus stroemi (Araneae), M, Combermere Park, VC58, May & June 2022, Col. G. Hedges. Det. T. Hunter.
Adult male – National Museums Liverpool
  • New to VC58 and the region. Nationally Rare and Near Threatened. The most recent UK record was 2013 according to scheme organiser Richard Gallon. UK distribution is southern and central England with an outlier in the Black Wood of Rannoch where it hasn’t been seen since 1968.
  • This orb weaver spider is associated with deeply fissured trunks of very old trees. Two males were caught in a vane trap attached to an 8.7 m girth veteran oak.
  • Spider and Harvestmen Recording Scheme Species Account
Theridiosoma gemmosum (Araneae), Petty Pool Moss, VC58, 12/7, R. Gallon.
  • Nationally Scarce. 2nd Cheshire Record and most northerly English record. This species is expanding its range north.
  • Associated with damp situations, particularly swampy, nutrient-rich wetlands. Constructs a small orb-web low down, even touching the water surface.
  • A single female vacuumed from sphagnum in a partially dried out peat bog.
Oryphantes angulatus (Araneae), F, Higher Green Bank, VC60, 17/7, R. Gallon.
  • New to VC60 and Bowland. Nationally Scarce.
  • Usually found on high ground where adults occur from late Summer.
  • A single female found in Sphagnum during a Tanyptera Recording Day.

Coleoptera (Beetles)

Leptura quadrifasciata (Cerambycidae), Hightown Dunes, VC59, 12/7, P. Kinsella.
Pete Kinsella (CC-BY)
  • Although a widespread and generally common longhorn beetle throughout the UK, it is apparently genuinely scarce on the Sefton Coast and this appears to be the 2nd record after being recorded from the same location in 2017 (P. Kinsella).
  • A saproxylic species with a wide range of broadleaved hosts.
Chaetocnema picipes (Chrysomelidae), Spen Moor, VC59, 25/5, D. Bentley.
  • New to Greater Manchester. There are 3 other sites in South Lancashire VC near the Mersey. Appears fairly widespread in England.
  • A male found at a field edge.
  • Adults are found all year round in a wide range of habitats, where they feed on a wide range of foliage.
Quedius lucidulus (Staphylinidae), Gowy Meadows, VC58, 1/7, C. Washington.
  • Found in a litter heap in woodland.
  • Probably the first NW record of this recently recognised species.
  • Verified from aedeagus by Don Stenhouse.
Latheticus oryzae (Tenebrionidae), Appleton Park, VC58, 18/7, C. Washington.
Archive image: Udo Schmidt (CC BY-SA 2.0)
  • Four specimens of this stored grain beetle attracted to a MV light trap.
  • No published recent UK records but well known to early Coleopterists.
  • The youngest specimen at World Museum was found at Liverpool Docks in 1971.

Diptera (True Flies)

Phorbia fumigata (Anthomyiidae), Higher Green Bank, VC58, 17/7, P. Brighton.
  • New to VC60
  • Appears widespread in the UK.
  • Has been associated with wheat shoots.
Aphanotrigonum nigripes (Chloropidae), F, Arm Hill, Barnaby’s Sands, VC60, 11/8/2021, R. Zloch.
  • New to VC60 and the region. Just 3 records at species level on NBN Atlas although there is aggregate recording that includes this taxa.
  • FES mentions 3 host plants – they are all saltmarsh-loving or psammophilic species.
Dolichopus urbanus (Dolichopodidae), Higher Green Bank, VC58, 17/7, P. Brighton & R. Zloch
  • New to VC60.
  • Widespread in the UK but appears scarce in the region.
Dolichopus virgultorum (Dolichopodidae), Cleaver Heath, VC58, 6/7, P. Brighton.
  • New to VC58 and the region.
  • All 60 records on NBN Atlas are south of Birmingham from Pembrokeshire to Kent.
Sapromyza opaca (Lauxaniidae), Smithills Estate, VC59, 3/7, P. Brighton.
  • New to VC59.
  • Appears widely distributed in the UK according to NBN Atlas.
Gonomyia dentata (Limoniidae), Smithills Estate, VC59, 3/7, P. Brighton.
  • New to VC59.
  • Common in upland areas of western and northern Britain on moorland and hillsides.
Lophosceles mutatus (Muscidae), Smithills Estate, VC59, 3/7, P. Brighton.
Coenosia karli (Muscidae), F, Arm Hill, Barnaby’s Sands, VC60, 11/8/2021, R. Zloch.
  • New to VC60. 55 records on NBN Atlas.
  • Associated with upper saltmarsh.
Helina ciliatocosta (Muscidae), Cleaver Heath, Wirral, VC58, 6/7. P. Brighton.
Archive image: Biological Museum, Lund University (CC BY-NC 2.0)
  • New to VC58 and the region.
  • 27 widely distributed records on NBN Atlas. Distribution on GBIF shows records for southern areas of Scandinavia, as well as the UK.
Helina maculipennis (Muscidae), Higher Green Bank, Bowland, VC60, 17/7. P. Brighton.
  • New to VC60.
  • 77 NBN Atlas records. Most are from northern and western areas of the UK.
Lispe caesia (Muscidae), F, Arm Hill, Barnaby’s Sands, VC60, 11/8/2021, R. Zloch.
  • New to VC60 and the region. All 33 records on NBN Atlas are near the coast.
Mydaea detrita (Muscidae), F, Winmarleigh Moss, VC60, 11/7/2021, R. Zloch.
Archive image: Biological Museum, Lund University (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Polietes hirticrus (Muscidae), Smithills Estate, VC59, 14/7. P. Brighton.
  • New to VC59.
  • Mainly found in upland areas of northern and western UK.
  • Global distribution on GBIF shows only records for UK and North America.
  • Steven Falk Flickr page
Spilogona contractifrons (Muscidae), Higher Green Bank, Forest of Bowland, VC60, 17/7. P. Brighton.
  • New to VC60.
  • Most of the 48 UK records on NBN Atlas are from Wales and Scotland.
Spilogona falleni (Muscidae), Higher Green Bank, Forest of Bowland, VC60, 17/7. P. Brighton.
  • New to VC60. A northern and western distribution in the UK.
  • Global distribution on GBIF is UK and Scandinavia.
Thricops longipes (Muscidae), Higher Green Bank, Forest of Bowland, VC60, 15/6. R. Zloch.
  • New to VC60 and the region. On NBN Atlas, most records are from Northern England and Scotland.
  • Male found in a field managed as a meadow for the past 3 years.
Chamaepsila obscuritarsis (Psilidae), Spen Moor, VC59, 25/5. D. Bentley.
Adult female (c) Dave Bentley
  • New to Greater Manchester. Widespread in the UK.
Stomorhina lunata The Locust Blowfly (Rhiinidae)
Pete Kinsella (CC-BY)
  • A migrant (usually from Africa), was first recorded in the region 5 years ago, and has since been recorded annually apart from 2021. As is typical with migrants of other insect groups, most are seen within a few miles of the coast.
  • Most regional records have been August and September but already in 2022, there have been 4 sightings – New Ferry (12/6 & 3/7 – R. Lowry), Alexandra Park, Crosby (7/7 – P. Kinsella), and Gaitbarrows (31/7 – N. Garnham).
Miltogramma punctata (Sarcophagidae), Victoria Park, Crosby, VC59, 21/7, P. Kinsella.
Pete Kinsella (CC-BY)
  • Possibly just the 3rd Lancashire record. There is an unconfirmed Sefton Coast record from 1959 on NBN Atlas, as well as 2020 record from Longridge Fell.
  • Larvae develop in nests of fossorial Hymenoptera, including Colletes.
Ceromya bicolor (Tachinidae), Higher Green Bank, Forest of Bowland, VC60, 17/7. P. Brighton & N. Garnham.
(c) N. Garnham
  • New to VC60.
  • 125 records on NBN Atlas – showing a widespread albeit scattered distribution.
Anapausis soluta (Scatopsidae), Higher Green Bank, Forest of Bowland, VC60, 15/6, R. Zloch.
  • New to VC60
  • Male found in a field managed as a meadow for the past 3 years.
  • Family known as the minute black scavenger flies or “dung midges”.
Stratiomys singularior (Stratiomyidae), Birkdale Dunes, Sefton Coast, VC59, 16/7, P. Kinsella.
Pete Kinsella (CC-BY)
  • Nationally Scarce. Appears to be the 3rd VC59 and 2nd Merseyside record after records at RSPB Marshside (2021) and Rixton Claypits (2018).
  • Adult feeding on Wild Parsnip.
  • Predominantly a species of coastal grazing marsh in the southern half of Britain. Adults are often found on umbellifers.
  • Steven Falk Flickr page
Campylocheta inepta (Tachinidae), Smithills Estate, VC59, 3/7, P. Brighton.
  • New to VC59.
  • Larvae is a parasite of mainly Geometridae moth caterpillars.
  • Widely distributed in Britain in suitable habitat such as heathland and moorland.
Dexia vacua (Tachinidae), Trowbarrow Quarry, Morecambe Bay, VC60, 2/7, R. Zloch.
Archive image: Leif Karlsson (CC BY-NC 2.0)
  • New to VC60 and the region.
  • Female found during Bioblitz organised by Arnside and Silverdale AONB.
  • Rare in Western Europe with UK an apparent stronghold.
Subclytia rotundiventris (Tachinidae), Mossley, VC58, 25/7. K. Gartside. Det. Ian Andews & Matt Smith.
Ken Gartside (CC-BY)
  • Few regional records. Most in Greater Manchester or just outside. Widespread in most of Southern England.
  • A parasitoid of several species of Shieldbug.
Sphenella marginata (Tephritidae), Manchester City training ground, VC59, 26/7. K. Gartside.
(c) Ken Gartside
  • Possibly new to Greater Manchester but has been recorded in each of the three regional VCs. more common in Southern Britain.
  • Larvae mine flowers of Ragworts and Groundsels.

Hemiptera (True Bugs)

Ceraleptus lividus Slender-horned Leatherbug (Coreidae), Formby Point, VC59, 27/7, P. Kinsella.
Adult – Pete Kinsella (CC-BY)
  • New to VC59 and the region. A mainly southern species, with scattered records up to Yorkshire.
  • Found in open, dry habitats where the larvae feed on various herbaceous legumes.
  • A likely recent arrival as large and distinctive. See British bugs species account.
Alloeotomus gothicus (Miridae), Manchester City Training Academy, VC59, 26/7, K. Horne.
K. Horne (CC-BY)
Alloeotomus gothicus (Miridae), Manchester City Training Academy, VC59, 26/7, K. Horne.
K. Horne (CC-BY)

Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps & Ants)


Andrena tarsata Tormentil Mining Bee (Andrenidae), Teggs Nose Country Park, VC58, 9-11/7, A & A Goodwin.
Female on Tormentil. Andrew and Angela Goodwin (CCO)
  • Appears to be the first Cheshire record since 1941. In the region, most records come from East Lancashire.
  • Usually found on Heathland and Moorland. Has declined in many parts of it’s UK range and is a Section 41 species.
  • BWARS species account
Andrena nigriceps (Andrenidae), Ness Gardens, Wirral, VC58, 10/7, L. Dixon & C. Aldridge.
  • Nationally Scarce with few Cheshire records.
  • Pollen is collected from composites. Adults are found June to September.
  • BWARS Species Account
Coelioxys conoidea Large Sharp-tailed Bee (Megachilidae), Crosby Marine Park (8/7) and Hightown (21/7), VC59, P. Kinsella.
Adult male – Pete Kinsella (CC-BY)
  • Confirmed by Ben Hargreaves and Tim Strudwick.
  • This is a newcomer to the Sefton coast, with the first record at Ainsdale in 2019 (T. Southward).
  • The Sefton Coast appears to be at the Northern extreme it’s current UK distribution.
Melitta haemlorrhoidalis (Melittidae), Teggs Nose Country Park, VC58, 15/7,16/7, 27/7, A & A Goodwin.
Female on Harebell. Andrew & Angela Goodwin (CCO)
  • New to VC58. Previously only known from the Sefton Coast and Morecambe Bay within the region.
  • Pollen collected from Bellflowers only (Campanula spp.) and most often found on calcareous grassland.
  • Up to 8 of mixed sex found in a day on and around Harebell patches.
  • BWARS Species Account


Gorytes laticinctus (Crabronidae).
Blackleach Country Park, Salford, VC59, 9/7, K. Gartside, Det. K. McCartney & B. Hargreaves.
Gaitbarrows NNR, VC60, 31/7, N. Garnham..
Ken Gartside (CC-BY)
  • Current national status is RDB3 but becoming more common.
  • Gaitbarrows record appears to be the 2nd VC60 record after a 2021 record at Leighton Moss.
  • Salford record is a first for Greater Manchester. A single adult recorded during a GMEU Bioblitz.
  • Elsewhere in the region, well known from the Sefton Coast and more recently from Delamere Forest. Has also been recorded for the first time in Liverpool (R. Duffy) and Hindley (A. Tyrox) in July 2022.
  • Usually associated with rough vegetation in open situations.
Andricus callidoma (Cynipidae), Croxteth Park, VC59, 9/7, S. McWilliam.
On Quercus, agamous generation. (c) Steve J. McWilliam
  • New to VC59 and the region. Listed as uncommon in Redfern and Shirley key (2011) and just 4 records on NBN Atlas.
  • Gall (agamous generation) found on oak during a Bioblitz at Croxteth Park in an old field used to graze horses but since left wild.

Odonata (Dragonflies and Damselflies)

Erythromma viridulum Small Red-eyed Damselfly (Tettigoniidae), Liverpool Festival Gardens, Otterspool, VC59, 18/7, P. Kinsella.
Pete Kinsella (CC-BY)
  • c. 35 adults counted at this recently established population in Merseyside, where the species was first reported in 2019. However, first recorded in Merseyside at Lee Park Golf Course in Childwall in 2017. Also known from Stonebridge Business Park in Gilmoss and on Hesketh Golf Course in Southport since 2020, and continues to colonise new sites.
  • British Dragonfly Society species account

Orthoptera (Grasshoppers and Crickets)

Metrioptera roeselii Roesel’s bush-cricket (Coenagrionidae), Chester Zoo estate, VC58, 27/7, C. Rimmer.
  • A second Cheshire record of a species rapidly increasing in abundance and distribution across the region.
  • Has a preference for ungrazed meadows, with tall grass swards.
  • Likely to become one of most commonly encountered Orthopterans. Distinctive markings and call. See recording scheme species account.
Adult female (c) Crystal Rimmer