The site
The Priority Habitat and CHEGD grasslands are bisected by Withins Brook which has a river and fen scrub habitat, and several huge veteran Sycamore trees. It also has a patch of failing Elm trees (which could not be identified) which have their own leaf hopper species.
** Brown Hare have been recorded in the adjacent meadow to the northwest. Otters spraints are known from the bridge at the north apex of the site and Otters are recorded on the canal. Reed Bunting, Lapwing and Skylark have been recorded breeding here during the life of the current project.
Both the large hay meadows have permanent wet areas, seepage lines, inundation areas and waterside habitats and have hedgerows adjacent.
The survey shows the value of the Lowland Meadow Priority Habitat and CHEGD grassland for invertebrates. Indicator plants, Waxcap CHEGD, mammals, birds and invertebrates are all of high value.
400 taxa were recorded:
The six Nationally Scarce species (red on the species list below):
Hypera meles* Furrow-nosed Red Clover Weevil Nationally Notable A
Aphrophora major* Largest Fen Froghopper Nationally Notable B
Hippodamia variegata Adonis Ladybird
Catapion pubescens* Low-foreheaded Apion Weevil Nationally Notable B
Oxystoma cerdo Pinch-nosed Apion Weevil Nationally Notable B
Isotoma riparia* 1-striped Springtail Notable
*4 of the above are Greater Manchester first site records,
52 additional taxa are Greater Manchester first records only so far recorded in Elton Reservoir area (amber on the species list), with some of these being Vice-county first records. NB 3 of these are woefully unrecorded Aphids and can be ignored. NB two of the Planthopper bugs indicated have pre 1960 Greater Manchester records.
77 additional taxa have to date been recorded in 1-4 other Greater Manchester sites (green on the species list). Just one other known site shifts the record to green.
The national status, Greater Manchester status from records, and for comparison, Cheshire status from records are given. NBN Atlas, iRecord, rECOrd, JNCC Taxon List, taxa websites and own dataset was consulted.
Additionally the habitat requirements of all species is given.
Published 1/4/2024
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